The Industrial Railway Record

The "Industrial Railway Record" is our society magazine, and contains a wide range of articles on all forms of industrial railways. As well as features on the history of various industrial systems and locomotives, we cover such matters as locomotive and rolling stock builders, industrial railway working practices, locomotive dealers and contractors and small lines that did not employ locomotives, as well as book reviews. Each issue also has a letters page, for readers feedback on articles. Although the IRS is a British society and the majority of content is on UK matters, we do also cover overseas industrial railways, and many issues include an article on a foreign subject. However current news items are not usually covered in the magazine, as these are left to the "Bulletin", the IRS members' newsletter.

The "Record" is published four times a year, and distributed to all IRS members with the "Bulletin". The magazine consists of 6.5 x 9 inch (165 x 225mm) pages, well printed on glossy paper, with a full-colour card cover. Articles are well illustrated, and often include maps or track plans. Scale drawings of locomotives and rolling stock are a regular feature. At the moment there are 44 pages + cover per issue.

A full index of volumes 1 - 16 of the "Record" is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format from the Downloads page.

Non-IRS Members may purchase the Society's magazine, either as individual copies or back copies.

There are 4 issues per year but we no longer do subscriptions to the Record alone; however you can become an IRS member, for which the cheapest subscription in the UK is for a printed Record is £21.00 for a 4 printed Records and 6 of the "electronic" Bulletins (sent via email) - see the "Subscription" page in eShop. The Foreign version of subscriptions are, of course, more expensive.

NOTE: A subscription above confers the privileges of IRS membership.

All prices are in UK pounds (£). The Postal Charge for a single Record will be £2.50 - this reflects postal charges and packaging.  However, if more than one item is ordered the charge will amended to suit the numbers of Records ordered.  Overseas orders will be charged postage at cost. Full postal costs can be obtained from Stuart Geeson. Cheques/Postal orders to be made payable to "Industrial Railway Society". UK postage stamps are acceptable in payment for small amounts. Orders for "Record" & email "Bulletin" subscriptions should be made to Robert Turner - NOT to S.Geeson - via email (see below):-

Robert Turner

Foreign orders: We can now also accept payment by credit card or PayPal, but only through our eShop. Orders for outside Europe can be sent via Air Mail, at an extra cost of 35% of the order. 

Recent issues of the 'Record'

A full listing of the contents of all issues of the "Industrial Railway Record" can be found in the Archives section.
A full index of volumes 1 - 16 of the 'Record' is also available from the Downloads page.
Small 'filler' items and the letters page are not included in the list of contents

No.257 - June 2024 - £5.00

  • Tata Steel Europe - Trostre Works, Lanelli (Rail Operations in 2023)
  • Avonside Locomotive STAMFORD
  • Houillères du Sud Oranais [F]
  • Contrector's Locomotives of Thomas Savin
  • Bournemouth Pier Contract
  • Walton-on-Thames Pumping Station Wagons
  • Moor Green Colliery: the Final Years
  • Ferrcavril Austral Fueguino
  • Locomotive at Inchterf Gun Range

No.256 - March 2024 - £5.00

  • The Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Light Railway
  • Bonnybridge Power Station
  • The 2ft Gauge Lister Four-Wheel Diesel Hydraulic
  • Roy Etherington (Obituary)
  • William Morris and the Narrow Gauge Railway at Cowley
  • Cargo Fleet Iron Company - 6. Rail Cranes

No.255 - December 2023 - £5.00

  • Peoples Collection Wales
  • The Third Woodhead Tunnel
  • A Fortnight in France - Ciments du Nord, Haubourdin
  • Kirkwood Colliery Locomotives
  • Preparing for Work
  • Old Delabole Slate Quarry
  • Bearpark Beehive Locomotives
  • First Industrial Locomotive Sightings
  • Head Wrightson Locomotive
  • Northampton Corporation's West Bridge Depot

No.254 - September 2023 - £5.00

  • North Pier, Tynemouth
  • Railway Exploration in Tenerife
  • Bagnall 12 inch Four-coupled Saddle Tank Locomotives
  • Chasewater Events
  • Agecroft Colliery
  • The Maintenance Engineer's Locomotive

No.253 - June 2023 - £5.00

  • Rail Operations at Courtaulds Ltd., Grimsby
  • A Fortnight in France - Cantin Cement Works, Nord
  • LP&HC No.2
  • A Matter of Millimetres
  • Ruston & Hornsby Surface Locomotives in South Africa
  • Electromobile Ltd
  • Great Rock Mine
  • Extracts from the Manchester Ship Canal Co's Rule Book, 1936
  • Manchester Ship Canal Railway Visit

No.252 - March 2023 - £5.00

  • National Filling Factory No.9, Banbury
  • HOLMBURY at Shelton Bar
  • Lake & Elliot Petrol Locomotives
  • A Fortnight in France (part 3)
  • Unfortunate Occurrence at Mossend
  • Beside the Coast at Ravenscar
  • Vic Bradley: A Tribute (Obit.)
  • Last Surviving Nidd Valley Locomotive
  • The Bolivar Railway and the Aroa Copper Mines (Venezuela)

No.251 - December 2022 - £5.00

  • The Alderney Railway
  • The Polkemmet Austerity
  • A Garratt for Winkelhaak? (RSA)
  • 'Hot Metal' Transfers at Scunthorpe
  • A Donation of Photographs: H.P. Hewlett
  • Underground Locomotive Haulage at Cardowan Colliery
  • Harbury Cement Locomotives
  • Locomotives at William Pit
  • "The Coronation"
  • Two North West Peat Railways 


No.250 - September 2022 - £5.00

  • Number 250
  • IRS Annual General Meeting 2022
  • The Railways of the Highley Mining Company
  • "Those you have missed"
  • Mystery Industrial Shed
  • The Many Faces of Holwell Works
  • New South Wales Locomotive Mysteries (Australia)
  • Early Days

A full listing of the contents of all issues of the "Industrial Railway Record" can be found in the Archives section.

Back Copies of the 'Industrial Railway Record'

A number of back copies of the Society magazine are still available; please order these from Mr Turner. See above for postal charges.

There are only very limited stocks of some issues - please give an alternative if possible.

Robert Turner has a number of second-hand copies out of print issues of the "Industrial Railway Record", between 28 & 155, which are for sale. 
If you are interested please email Mr Turner for details of prices and what numbers he currently has available.

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