What's New?

(Updated 13 June 2024)

The IRS Sales Stand will be the Amberley Gala this year on 20th and 21st July.

I have been informed that the IRS Archive at Statfold Barn has now re-opened for visits.

Members of the IRS should have received their copies of "Record" No.257 and the June "Bulletins" - Nos.1123 (Main Bulletin) 
& (E-Main Bulletin), 1124 (18EL Update List No.23), 1125 (UK Handbooks Amendments - Bulletin No.12), (the 18EL Cumulative Update List, a flyer for the new Planet and Stratton books, a flyer for the Book sale; and the announcement for the IRS AGM.

Anyone who has not received their copies, or which have been damaged in transit, should contact the 
Admin Officer (Dave Kitching) by phone on 01625 423249 or by email.


The Committee have now found another company to undertake binding of the "Record" for us, and details (and order form), with the Index for Volume 21, were distributed with the March 2023 Record.

Please DO NOT send any further volumes of the "Record" to either the Society or Chew Valley Bookbinders,
 as the owner is no longer accepting any new work; he is just completing existing binding orders for us and others.

Indices to the "India & South Asia" Handbook
The author prepared a comprehensive set of indices for this book, but due to their size (110 pages)
and the fact that the book already exceeded 550 pages, it was felt that including them would make the book too large & expensive.
However these indices are now available as a downloadable Acrobat (PDF) file.

The Society can now accept payment in Euros, via our new Euro Bank Account

The Society is now making the 'Overseas News Bulletin' available on subscription to non-members

Now available as a download is an index of all amendments to IRS Handbooks that appeared in Bulletins up to No.600.

The Society now has a range of second hand copies of old issues of the "Record" for sale. We also have some second-hand copies of out of print IRS books for sale; please email Robert Turner with your wants and we will see if we can help.

IRS email Discussion Group

The IRS has an email mailing list for members, based at Groups.io, a free, easy-to-use email group service. The purpose of this list is to enable members and non-members to exchange information about any aspects of industrial railways in the UK and elsewhere. News of impending events of an industrial nature are particularly welcome, as are observations of locomotives and details of sightings etc. 

By joining this group, you'll be able to easily send messages to fellow group members using just one email address.

If you are interested in industrial railways, both in the UK and abroad, and wish to join this mailing list, then please send an email to Ken Scanes (the moderator) requesting membership, with "IRS mailing list" as the subject. Please note that this list is now open to both IRS members and non-members alike.